“It is not the State’s fault that we have a person like this”: Relations and institutions in the meaning of ‘rights’ to carers of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Chile

(November 2015)
Montenegro, C. R., Cornish, F. (2015). Global Mental Health, Vol. 2 (e22) 1-11 doi.org/10.1017/gmh.2015.20

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been adopted by national governments to advance the interests and wellbeing of people with psychosocial disabilities (PPSD). It is often assumed that the adoption of a ‘rights’ framework will advance the dignity and autonomy of PPSD. However, little is known about how families and communities understand ‘rights’. The present paper, based on research conducted in Santiago, Chile, takes a contextual approach to rights, asking: How do family carers of PPSD understand and use the idea of ‘rights’? How does the context of caregiving shape families’ understanding of rights? Read more ….