Challenges in promoting the interdependence of all human rights

(June 2020)

Pūras, Dainius, Health and Human Rights Journal: Harvard University Press. ISSN 1079-0969. eISSN 2150-4113. 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 351-353. [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Scopus; DOAJ] [IF: 1,552; AIF: 3,229; IF/AIF: 0,480; Q4 (2020, InCites JCR SSCI)] [CiteScore: 1,80; SNIP: 1,206; SJR: 0,621; Q2 (2020, Scopus Sources)] [ M 001] [Indėlis: 1,000]

I am taking the opportunity presented by this series of reflections on the right to health to comment on my experiences as the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, especially as I am now entering the final year of this mandate. Read more