Mental health and human rights in the 21st century

(January 2019)
Pūras, Dainius; Gooding, Piers. World Psychiatry. Hoboken : Wiley. ISSN 1723-8617. eISSN 2051-5545. 2019, vol. 18, iss. 1, p. 42-43. DOI: 10.1002/wps.20599. [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 40,595; AIF: 3,206; IF/AIF: 12,662; Q1 (2019, InCites JCR SSCI); IF: 40,595; AIF: 3,640; IF/AIF: 11,152; Q1 (2019, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 32,80; SNIP: 8,770; SJR: 9,239; Q1 (2019, Scopus Sources)] [ M 001] [Indėlis: 0,250]

Mental health is emerging from the shadows. Human rights are on the agenda, and advocates are increasingly calling for parity with general health funding and a reduction of the treatment gap for people in crisis, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. There is high-level agreement on key components of good mental health policy, from promotion to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
However, important disagreements remain about how to invest resources. An impasse has emerged, and it risks hardening into a dispute. The controversy relates to complex connections between mental health and human rights, and coalesces around a single question: do involuntary psychiatric interventions violate international human rights law? Read more