Akriti Mehta

Special series introduction: Activist & community perspectives on mental health/psychosocial disability from the global south

(20 April 2022)

Florence A C, Mehta A, Jones N, Community Mental Health Journal, 58, 821-823 (2022)

In this issue, Community Mental Health Journal introduces a new series: Activist & Community Perspectives on Mental Health/Psychosocial Disability from the Global South. Read more

Special series introduction: Activist & community perspectives on mental health/psychosocial disability from the global south Read More »

Special Series Introduction: Activist & Community Perspectives on Mental Health/Psychosocial Disability from the Global South

Florence AC, Mehta A, Jones N. Special Series Introduction: Activist & Community Perspectives on Mental Health/Psychosocial Disability from the Global South. Community Mental Health Journal, 58, 821-823 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-022-00959-1

In this issue, Community Mental Health Journal introduces a new series: Activist & Community Perspectives on Mental Health/Psychosocial Disability from the Global South. Read more

Special Series Introduction: Activist & Community Perspectives on Mental Health/Psychosocial Disability from the Global South Read More »

A critical review of the Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development: Time for a paradigm change

Cosgrove, L., Mills, C., Karter, J. Mehta, A., Kalathil, J. (2019). A critical review of the Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development: Time for a paradigm change. Critical Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2019.1667488


In October 2018, the UK government, positioning itself as a global leader in mental health, hosted a Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit. The event was scheduled to coincide with the publication of the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development. Despite claiming a public health and social determinants approach, the report focused on the importance of ‘closing the treatment gap’ through the use of Western diagnostic tools and interventions. In response, coalitions of mental health activists and service-users organised open letters detailing their concerns with the summit and report. Among these concerns were the ways in which recent UK government policies, particularly welfare reform, violated the rights of persons with disabilities; the lack of stakeholder representation and involvement in the report; and the continuation of the colonial legacy in which the ‘North drives the South.’ Expanding on the concerns raised by this coalition of activists and service-users, we argue that a focus on societal (structural) determinants and political economy could open new possibilities for global mental health beyond narrow individualized interventions. Additionally, we suggest that a politically informed societal determinants of health framework is needed in order to move the Global Mental Health Movement in a more emancipatory direction.

A critical review of the Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development: Time for a paradigm change Read More »

Global Mental Health

Cosgrove, L., Mills, C, Amsterdam, J., Heath, I., Mehta, A., Kalathil, J., & Shaughnessy, A. The Lancet, 2019 Jul 13;394 (10193): 117-118.

To enhance the commitment of the Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development set out by Vikram Patel and colleagues1—to reframe the global mental health agenda within the broader conceptualisation of mental health, envisioned in the Sustainable Development Goals—we offer some suggestions for further reform. Read more

Global Mental Health Read More »