
Stigma, discrimination and human rights

(January 2008)

Damon Barrett, Yusuf Azad, Rick Lines, p193 in S. Matic et al (eds) Progress on implementing the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia, WHO Europe

Stigma and discrimination affect many areas of policy-making and government decision-making having to do with HIV/AIDS, and therefore affect the implementation of many actions in the Declaration. To truly measure progress on Action 20, it is necessary to make a much broader and more holistic analysis of national compliance with Dublin Declaration commitments as a whole. Read more

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The Right to Water, Privatised Water And Access to Justice: Tackling United Kingdom Water Companies’ Practices in Developing Countries

(January 2007)

Damon Barrett, Vinodh Jaichand, South African Journal of Human Rights, Vol 23, 2007 – Issue 3

As states are increasingly urged to privatise water supply and delivery by the Bretton Woods institutions, there are no additional norms to hold multinational corporations accountable to anyone but their shareholders. Though there is a human right to water, if multinational corporations violate that right the victims’ access to the courts may be hampered by the lack of financial resources to gain redress. To this extent, privatisation is eroding human rights implementation. Strategically, it may be worthwhile to consider litigating in the United Kingdom’s courts where the ‘interest of justice’ so demands, even though there is a forum for adjudication in the country where the violation took place. Read more

The Right to Water, Privatised Water And Access to Justice: Tackling United Kingdom Water Companies’ Practices in Developing Countries Read More »